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Kit is available for both virtual and in-person visits! She’s taught in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and college, and has curriculum designed for audiences of all ages. Explore her options below:

Update on COVID-19:


Kit is available for free 30 minute Q&A virtual visits! Please use the contact form to get something scheduled!


In addition, she is offering some of her curriculum virtually for classes to use remotely or in the classroom.


You can find her reading and activity packet on the Daredevils Book 1 HERE.


You can find her reading and activity packet on the Daredevils Book 2 HERE.


Check out Kit's Youtube channel HERE for fun and educational video content.

Explore Kit's in-person visiting options below:



  • 45 minutes

  • Audience size- large assembly or classroom


The Tradition of Storytelling


Kit explores some of the earliest forms of storytelling, from its days before books, and asks what components make up a story. How do we know a story from a random piece of information? What does a story need to have… and what can it do without? Students will leave this presentation feeling confident as storytellers, knowing all the key ingredients to a story and some of the tricks and tips authors use in arranging these pieces to tell stories that feel surprising and fresh.


Fast Story, Slow Writing


Kit takes on the topic of writing action into narrative. There’s nothing like the hearty challenge of breaking down a five second moment in real time into pages of text that keep a reader engaged. In this presentation, Kit brings salient examples of action and sport sequences that can be explored through the five physical senses, through different character lens, and even through playing with time. Audience participation is encouraged through several sections to keep students engaged and excited about telling stories where things happen fast.



  • 45-60 minutes

  • Audience size- classrooms of 6-40 students


Rhythmic Stories- Beat Sheets


In this workshop, Kit continues the thread from the Tradition of Storytelling presentation to go over the specific plot beats that make up a story. (Can be combined with Storytelling presentation or delivered as a workshop without prior presentation.)


Over the Rainbow- Character Arcs


How does a main character change from the beginning of a story to the end? What makes the reader take their side in the journey, especially as the character changes? Kit explores the character arc using examples from picture books, chapter books, and middle grade stories.


Second Sight- Revision


A favorite workshop for English teachers—Kit talks about the difference between editing and revision. As the root of the word suggests, to re-vise often means to see the events and characters in an entirely new light. But just because the revising writer starts with a blank page, that doesn’t mean they’re starting from scratch. This workshop celebrates the magic of the revision process.



  • 20-30 minutes

  • Audience size—small classroom up to large assembly


A question & answer session can be added to any presentation or workshop. For in-person visits, Kit brings in her hat of questions for students to choose from if inspiration is needed!


Kit offers complimentary 30-minute virtual Q&As with schools and libraries.


Please fill out the contact form for further information on rates for presentations, workshops, and in-person visits.

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Illustrated and designed by Danika Corrall

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